Adjective
Located
indoors
,
especially
at
home
or
at
one
'
s
office
or
place
of
work
.
Noun
position
of
power
or
influence
,
or
a
way
to
get
it
.
Verb
To
enclose
.
Adverb
At
or
towards
the
interior
of
a
defined
space
,
such
as
a
building
or
room
.
Pronoun
he
;
she
Article
the
.
Determiner
a
,
an
;
Adjective
Located
indoors
,
especially
at
home
or
at
one
'
s
office
or
place
of
work
.
Noun
position
of
power
or
influence
,
or
a
way
to
get
it
.
Verb
To
enclose
.
Adverb
At
or
towards
the
interior
of
a
defined
space
,
such
as
a
building
or
room
.
Pronoun
he
;
she
Article
the
.
Determiner
a
,
an
;