Noun
hanging
end
or
shred
,
in
particular
a
long
pointed
strip
of
cloth
at
the
edge
of
a
piece
of
clothing
,
or
one
of
a
row
of
decorative
strips
of
cloth
that
may
ornament
a
tent
,
booth
or
fairground
.
Verb
To
shear
the
hindquarters
of
a
sheep
in
order
to
remove
dags
or
prevent
their
formation
.
Interjection
Expressing
shock
,
awe
or
surprise
;
used
as
a
general
intensifier
.
Noun
hanging
end
or
shred
,
in
particular
a
long
pointed
strip
of
cloth
at
the
edge
of
a
piece
of
clothing
,
or
one
of
a
row
of
decorative
strips
of
cloth
that
may
ornament
a
tent
,
booth
or
fairground
.
Verb
To
shear
the
hindquarters
of
a
sheep
in
order
to
remove
dags
or
prevent
their
formation
.
Interjection
Expressing
shock
,
awe
or
surprise
;
used
as
a
general
intensifier
.